Wine blind tasting party is a great way to remove any preconceptions you may have about a particular wine variety or region and see which of your friends really knows their wines.
This quick and easy guide to hosting a successful wine tasting party with 2 unique fun games that your friends will laugh at for a long time.
It’s all about bringing the cellar door to your home while enjoying good company and wine.
A wine blind tasting party can be a stand up with finger food event or a more formal sit down to dinner.
Really there are no rules that’s what makes it fun.
Getting The Party Started
What You will Need Wine Glasses: Good wine glasses are a must. The right wine glass will enhance those aromas, textures and flavours from the wine.Wine: A selection of 4-6 wines that have common theme. Having a theme is much more educational and fun. Examples could be one country, region, grape variety or wine maker. Food: Pairing wine with good cheese, cold meats and plain crackers will be used to clean the palate before your guests move to the next wine.
Spittoon: Use a spittoon or a small bucket where people can pour out the rest of their wines or the wine they do not enjoy.
Remember, the wine tasting isn’t about getting drunk, it’s about tasting.
Decanter: A good wine should always be aerated now days we have so many options. We recommend AerDeVino a portable USB electric wine aerator decanter that adds instant aeration to enrich your wine experience with red , white and rose wine. We don’t want to keep our guests waiting for the next bottle to taste. Music: You can’t have a party without music Blindfold: This is just another fun way to see how your guests really know there wines. Notepaper: allow each guest to a make notes and with the games you could give out a prize for those with the most correct guesses.
Two Fun Easy Blind Wine Tasting Games
Game 1 – Wine Aeration Game “See if they can taste the difference”Using the AerDeVino Electric Wine Aerator Decanter blind fold the taster….
Choose 2 glasses – 1 is decanted and 2nd is not, see if the aerated wine can be selected. You will find that the wine that is aerated is smoother and that the flavours are enhanced.
Game 2 – Blind Bottle Tasting “Do they really know the difference between Shiraz and a Cabernet Sauvignon?”
Line up 5 bottles concealed with paper numbered 1 – 5 no one knows the wines except for you the host.
Blind fold the taster to enhance the aromas, flavours and textures as they rely on their senses make the game a little harder.
Maybe even give them a glass of AerDeVino decanted wine to take it to next level wine tasting.
Have prizes for those who guess the most correctly.
Most all just have fun – Life is to short not enjoy great tasting wine, every time you open a bottle ~ AerDeVino~
Purchase your AerDeVino Electric Wine Decanter on our website visit the product to learn more and purchase ready for you blind wine tasting party.
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